International Association Catholic Apostolate
European Parliement – Bureau for Italy
Italian Prime Minister – Regione Campania
Province of Naples
Regional Education Bureau for Campania
Unicef Italy
Unicef Committee for Campania
- School of the 1st District in Beslan, Autonomous Republic of North Ossezia, for the SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENT
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses Italian solidarity to the Russian Federation, to Children, to the School and the Families hardly stroken by TERRORISTIC BARBARITY, that upset the whole World for its frightening cruelty. It offended every conscience – knowledge called to think about the serious problem of the THIRD MILLENARY, consisting in a true never declared WAR, with a dangerous COLLISION among CIVILIZATIONS.
- To the memory of the CARABINIERES KILLED in NASSYRIA
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses solidarity to the NOBLE DEPARTEMENT ot the CARABINIERES for the sacrifice of so many young lives, broken by BARBARITY in the vile criminal attempt to the Italian Contingent in Nassyria. Their one has been a great and clear example of civil engagement in the accomplishment of a difficult mission of PEACE, always in order to act for the common well-being
- To the memory of the journalist Enzo BALDONI, barbarily killed in Iraq
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses solidarity to the Family and to the Editorial Office of the “DIARIO” for the absurd kidnapping and the ruthless murder of the Journalist Enzo BALDONI. A bright and brave man who always risked his own life in order to understand and to tell us the reasons for wars and the atroucious suffering of the ones who undergo it. His one has been a great example of pure JOURNALISM, carried on in order TO ACT for the COMMON WELL-BEING.
- To the memory of Sergio Viera de MELLO, officer of the United Nations tragically desappeared in the criminal attempt to the ONU Seat in Baghdad
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses the Italian Solidarity to the UNITED NATIONS and to the Noble Family of Dr. Sergio Viera de MELLO, tragically desappeared in the barbaric and vile attack to the ONU Seat in Baghdad. His one has been a clear example of a life barbarically broken, while he was accomplishing a mission of PEACE, authentically ACTING for the COMMON WELL-BEING.
- To the memory of Annalena TONELLI barbarically killed in Somaly
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses Solidarity to the Noble Person of Annalena TONELLI for her holy and complete dedication to the poors, to the desinherited, to the invalids to behalf their inhuman condition. For this reason she was called “Mother Teresa of Africa”. She chose to live without privileges, freely offering herself to God and to suffering people, until the extreme sacrifice of her life. Her one has been a great example of always acting for the COMMON WELL-BEING.
- To the memory of Patrizia CUOMO, woman, MOTHER dead in the sea to save her three children on August 14th 2004
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses Solidarity to a Napolitan MOTHER, who caraugiously knew to honour the VALUE of MOTHRHOOD until the extreme sacrifice.
- Antonio AMATO, a Napolitan COOK killed in a vile criminal attempt in Saudi Arabia
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate expresses Solidarity to an unlucky and industrious young cook (Italians in the World), engaged to work far away, in Saudi Arabia, to build his future. A vile and bloody terroristic action broke his existence.
And its Departements:
International Lay Council
International Scientific, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Ethic Commission
and the Defence of Life
6th Edition
- Gabriele CARRINO
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate testifies the activity of Heart Specialist carried on with Christian engagement and the noumerous activities always addressed to the social engagement by the mean of the Association “OPOLIS”, of what he is the President. As a member of the Consiliar Commettees of the Comune of Naples in the social and the cultural politics he always did his best to promote important popular initiatives such as the recovery of the Piedigrotta Fest and the fulfilment of the first “Ospice” in Naples. His one is a right and constant example of acting for the COMMON WELL – BEING
The International Association of Catholic Apostolate testify the passional activity of Journalist carried on with christian engagement, often risking his own life and the numerous cultural, social and economic activities carried on as President of the International Association “ITALIANS IN THE WORLD”. Through a precise way, having as its aim the ransom of Naples in the world. His one is a right and constant example of ACTING for the COMMON WELL-BEING.